Mad Ramblings of a Critic

Reviews of the Movies I've watched

Archive for December 2011

Cannibal Holocaust: Alleged Snuff Film

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Directed by: Ruggero Deodato

Produced by Franco Palaggi

Release date(s): February 7, 1980 (Italy)
June 19, 1984 (US)

Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: NR
Running time: 96 minutes

Ruggero Deodato is the Brilliant italian director who is behind the making of this film. Cannibal Holocaust is shrouded in so much controversy, it makes this a must see horror flick. The film was confiscated days after its premiere due to allegations of it being a snuff film. Deadato was arrested on and eventually charged with obscenity and murder, due to the fact that he made the cast sign a contract stating they won’t appear in any films or media of any sort for a year. The contract was to enforce the idea that this was real footage uncovered in the amazon. Eventually Deadato was able to gather the four main actors to prove his innocence, but that didn’t stop them from not releasing the film in the US and several other Countries. Although there was no actual murder in the film, it is not for the weak stomached due to its graphic Animal Cruelty. Yes folks; they slaughter real animals in this film, and it gets brutal.

The storyline is predictable, but none the less fascinating. A documentary crew goes off into the Amazon to shoot two of the native tribes at war. The tribes turn out to be  (You guessed it) cannibals. The documentary film makers proceed to be killed or die of exposure while the camera still rolls.

The acting in this film is under par, and the cast never really got into any projects bigger than low budget horror films and small roles in some bigger films (Kerman as the tugboat captain in Spiderman) . but the actions in this movie speak louder than the script. It is a riveting film full of graphic nudity, violence, and scenes that will make your stomach turn. Your mind will constantly be wondering if this really is a snuff film, due to the large number of natives (especially in the burning hut scene) that were not credited. It is a horror film like none other that I’ve seen. There is a real aspect of horror in this movie. Unlike the high budge, special effect driven horror movies of today that are driven by scenes that make you jump. This film hits horror on a whole other level.


Written by cbc113

December 29, 2011 at 1:28 am

Posted in Movie

Red State

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DVD Release Date: October 18, 2011

Director: Kevin Smith
Screenwriter: Kevin Smith
Producer: Jonathan Gordon
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: R
Time: 88 minutes
Year: 2011

Let me just start out by saying, I fucking love Kevin Smith. I have enjoyed everything the man has directed, and Red State is certainly no exception. Although he moves away from his comfort zone comprised of fart and dick jokes, Smith has reached (in my opinion) a new found writer/director high. This controversial story starts off like many smith movies, with about fifteen minutes of dialog comprised of conversations of the sexual nature. Than the story picks up when they introduce the five points church.

The five points church is loosely based on the Phelps family, and they are even mentioned by the congregation several times. They’re hardcore gun-toting old testament style Christians, who really hate the gays . They spend their time protesting homosexuals and apparently unknowingly to the law lure them to trailers and drug them. They than bring them back to the church and execute them on a cross wrapped in plastic wrap, while preaching fire and brimstone sermons.

What makes this movie so amazing, is the performances given by the cast. Without this cast this movie would not have been half as good. Michael Parks (Kill Bill, From Dusk till Dawn) plays the brilliantly portrayed patriarch leader of the church Abin Cooper. Parks gives the most brilliantly delivered hate filled sermon, that sends shivers down my spine every time i hear it. Not only can the man rock a monologue, He also becomes quite the opposing force when the ATF brings out the big guns.

And of course by big guns I mean John Goodman as ATF agent Joseph Keenan, who also has an extraordinary monologue near the end. Where Parks’ sermon was hate filled and energetic, Goodman’s was more like a southern gentleman telling a story on the porch while drinking iced tea. In my opinion this was one of Goodman’s best performances since O Brother, Where Art Thou?

The only thing that I found disagreeable with this movie was the lack of main character(s).  There was definitely a sense of  antagonist and protagonist, but there was a lack of feeling for a specific  character. Throughout the movie there are certain moments where you connect with different characters. These moments were normally brief and short lived, mostly due to the short life span of the characters.

All in all this movie was brilliantly written, with an outstanding cast. I give it a


Written by cbc113

December 28, 2011 at 2:53 pm

Posted in Movie